Slovenia is great location for travels with children of all ages. In this article we cover the important information about travelling with little kids in Slovenia. Where to buy accesories for babies and toddlers, what you can do and some advice to make your trip even nicer.
Are kids well accepted in Slovenia?
Kids are generally welome in Slovenia. You can take them everywhere just be prepared for some attention if you have a baby or a toddler. In restaurants there is almost always a kids menu and in general Slovenian food is suitable for kids. Some of the acxhave age limit for obvious reasons, but there is a lot to do for kids of all ages.
Where to buy stuff for babies, toddlers and small kids?
In Slovenia you can buy all the kids product you’ll need. Your needs probably differ depending how long you’re staying in Slovenia. If you are looking just for diapers and wipes you can get them in every supermarket and if you’re looking for something particular there is a good chance you’ll get it in specialised kids stores. And yes, you can get Pampers in Slovenia.
Lidl, Eurospin and Hofer have their own brand of baby products. Sometimes you can also get Pampers, but this is not always the case. They offer baby products for a good price. They often offer seasonal equipment such as swimming aid, but not always. Often they have at least some baby clothes in stock. If you are looking for something specific you might want to check options below
Spar and Interspar
In almost every Interspar and Spar you will get a wide range of baby products. You will for sure get at least two brands, the Spar brand and Pampers.Interspar is a bigger version of a Spar so the choice there will be grater. There you will also get basic stuff such as bottles, formula, toys, swimming aids etc. The choice of diapers, wipes and clothes will be greater in Interspar.
Similar to Interspar, LeClerc is a big shop that offers wide range of baby products of many brands. There you can get diapers, wipes, bottles, formula, baby food, toys and clothes. Beside basic stuff they also sell car seats and strollers.
Mercator is another supermarket where you can buy a wide range of baby products. Hipermarket is the biggest version of Merkator and they offer a lot of products such as diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, toys, clothes etc.
Similar to Spar and Mercator Tuš offers all the basic baby related brands such as Pampers or Johnson’s Baby and many products related to kids.
Drug Stores in Slovenia
Muller and Dm
Muller and Dm are both German’s drugstore chains. In both of them you can get wide range of diapers, wipes. Dm is one of the go-to stores for Slovenian mums when they are buying stuff for newborn. In both the stores you can buy a wide range of baby cosmetics such as Weleda and other more natural brands. There you can buy a wide range of formula, baby food, supplements, but also bottles and toys. You won’t find much baby clothes in those stores.
Tosama or Bela Štacuna
Tosama is another go-to shop for newborn’s mum in Slovenia. It is a drug store offering a wide range of baby products. They sell the brand that is very popular among Slovenian parents. They offer cotton pads, baby wipes, cosmetics etc. You can get a few brands of diapers, but no Pampers. However they sell Moltex diapers, popular among the parents all over Europe. The Tosama shops are also called Bela štacuna.
Specialised Babies and Toddlers shops in Slovenia
Baby Center and Pikapolonica
Pikapolonica and Baby Center are two main baby and toddler specialised shops in Slovenia. There you can get everything you need from your baby, from car seats, strollers, baby bathtub, baby bed etc. They also offer a great choice of baby and toddler clothes, shoes (Baby Center keeps the popular brand Froddo), toys, swimming aids, basically everything you need for your baby. Wide choice of diapers, wipes and baby cosmetics. There is Pikapolonica or Baby Center in almost every shopping centre in Slovenia.
Shoe Store Ciciban
Travelling with kids can surprise you in many different ways. Your kids can grow out his shoes very quickly or they can simply destroy their shoes. Luckily four you, f you need a new pair of shoes for your toddler, Ciciban is a place to go. Ciciban is a Slovenian brand for kids shoes. They offer a variety of shoes from size 19 and up. They have two great collections of first walker shoes, suitable for first steps. Most of the Slovenian kids start walking in Ciciban shoes.
Snugi is a new slippers brand that won over Slovenian parents. The slippers are very popular because they are very light and do not fall off a kid’s little moving feet. They imitate bear foot and have a great grip. They have only online shop, but you can get them in DM, Baby Center, Tosama and some other kids stores.

What to Do with Kids in Slovenia?
There are many activities interesting for young explorers in Slovenia. There are many places where they can observe animals, or enjoy in water activities. There are many interesting festivals and places your kids will simply enjoy. All over Slovenia there is fun for kids off al ages.

Top 6 Festivals for Small Kids in Slovenia
#1 Pippi Longstocking Festival in Velenje
The Pika Festival takes place in September in Velenje all over the town. During the Festival, there are many stages and workshops, Pika’s cinema, and a fundraising event. The Pika Festival closes with Pika’s Day where kids dress like Pippi Longstocking.
#2 Animal Festival in Nova Gorica
#3 Bo Fejst festivals in all seasons in Bohinj
#4 King Matjaž’s Castles in Črna na Koroškem
#5 Kurent Carneval in Ptuj
#6 Castle Days in Ljubljana
The Castle Days traditionally commemorate an important day in the history of the Ljubljana Castle: on 16 May 1905, the then mayor of Ljubljana, Ivan Hribar, purchased the fortress from the state authorities for 60,200 crowns on behalf of the city, thus saving it from further decay. Each May there is a weekend of Castle Days where there are many interesting culinary workshops, shops and fun for all family.